Frequently Asked Questions
Austin Vehicle Wraps
What is a Vehicle Wrap?
Car wraps can take many shapes, colors, and sizes. A full wrap covers the entire surface of a vehicle. A partial wrap covers only a specific portion of the car and uses the vehicle’s paint scheme as the backdrop for the complete design. Vehicle wraps are done with vinyl materials (think of it as a large decal) that conform to the shape of your vehicle. They can be done in solid colors as “paint replacement,” can have digitally printed designs on the vinyl to make your vehicle stand out, or can be a marketing tool with contact information for your business.
How much does a wrap typically cost?
There are endless options for “wraps,” and pricing varies depending on the type/color of vinyl, solid vs printed vinyl, size of car, amount of contours, etc. Every vehicle is unique, and some require the removal of trim pieces and front and rear bumpers for that perfect fit and finish for a show-quality look. Most vehicle wraps take 3-5 days, ranging from about $2,500 to $5,000. But for a more accurate quote, please get in touch with us at 512-326-3700 or email
Will a wrap damage the paint on my car?
Vehicle wrap materials are formulated with a removable adhesive that does not harm your car’s OEM paint as long as it is in good condition. Many people find that wrapping their vehicle can assist in keeping a higher resale value on the car due to the protective benefits of the wrap.
How long does a vehicle wrap last?
On average, vehicle wraps that are properly installed will not fade, crack, or peel for up to 5 years in most locations. Please refer to a product’s datasheet or bulletin for more details, or call us with questions.
Does it matter what color my car is?
No, a car wrap is opaque and not translucent; you cannot see through it.
Can you wrap the roof?
On most cars, the roof is included. Generally, roofs (vans, trucks, or SUVs) are not wrapped unless the customer requests it.
It looks like there are graphics on the windows. Will I still be able to see through the windows?
Yes, the window graphics are printed on perforated vinyl, allowing drivers to see through the rear and side windows.
Can you wrap the front side windows?
State laws prohibit wraps on driver and passenger side windows and the windshield.
Can you wrap my hubcaps or rims?
No, the wheels are not wrapped.
Can you wrap a fiberglass or chrome bumper?
A painted plastic bumper can be wrapped without any problems. In the case of fiberglass or chrome bumpers, vinyl application on these areas is not recommended or guaranteed to adhere to the wrap’s life.
What if I change my company logo or phone number in the future?
No problem. We can print and install graphic overlays to remove or replace information if you need to change or update your car wrap.
Can you wrap trailers, trucks, vans, boats & SUVs?
If it rolls, floats, or flies, we can wrap it!
Can you produce vinyl signs and graphics to help support my branding?
Absolutely! Ask to see a sample of vinyl graphics or see our Gallery. We can create many different types of vinyl signs, posters, POP displays, and wall and floor graphics.
How effective are vehicle wraps at advertising?
A quick comparison suggests the following:
Radio attracts 900,000 listeners in six weeks with 10 to 12 30-second spots. Value Pak mailings offer a reach of 600,000 with 100,000 addresses per drop, and you are just one of many advertisers included in the packet. Direct mail reaches 20,000 names with one postcard mailer. Seven city buses get 600,000 impressions in two months. Billboards receive 700,000 impressions in one month.
An ad on a highway billboard can cost from $5k to $15k per month. Vehicle wraps have the potential to garner thousands of impressions each day; they last up to three years and cost, on average, between $2,500 and $5,000 for a standard vehicle. Ask about fleet pricing.
- Start from the top and work your way down using a clean, soft sponge or microfiber towel to get the dirt off the vinyl. Remember that car wash brushes can damage a wrap since they can contain rocks and debris trapped inside the brush.
- Use a high-quality soap or a 3M Car Wash Soap 39000, Meguiar’s NXT Generation Car Wash, or Deep Crystal Car Wash. Either way, don’t go too cheap and read the label.
- Make sure to hand wash the vehicle thoroughly and rinse it off completely. Remember to rinse the area with cool water after cleaning and avoid wiping the wrap when it’s hot. Remove as much water from the vinyl as possible and dry it with a clean cloth.